RTL Children Learning Centre

The RTL Children Learning Centre Project is a construction project, sponsored by Stiftung RTL - Wir helfen Kindern e.V. to create a learning space that is a value-add to the mainstream formal education system, as taught in the public schools in Kenya.

The center offers a safe space where children and young people learn predominantly outside of the classroom. The aim is to extend the learning experience to include a platform that promotes learning by doing, i.e. using all senses (touch, feel, hear, smell and taste). The learning is based on three main pedagogy domains; 

• Cognitive (intellectual ability) 

• Affective (feeling) 

• Psychomotor (learning by doing).

Which will enable us to achieve the below:

• enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills,

• boost creativity and imagination,

• ensure self-efficacy.

The Program Activities at the centre target children and youth between the ages of 4 to 12.


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